Friday, April 18, 2008

S-bore-t's Day. Faggots.

Hooray, we just had our school's annual sports day. And by hooray, I mean, "What in the holy freaking hell?"

It was awful. God-awful. Dongly-Mongly-awful. Right, so a few classmates and I made it there, met Zhi Ying, Haziq and Felicia at a bus stop. We then had to camp out at the bus interchange for a few other people, no biggie. Took quite a while though.

Anyways, when we made it there, Felicia and Haziq were not allowed it by Triple-L and the Green Goblin. Even though they stated that former students are allowed in. But, eventually, our form teacher spoke to those two and they were allowed in. Felicia brought her boyfriend along, and they wouldn't let him in, because he was not a former student. Which was bollocks, really. It was just one of their oh-so-fair reasons, and not just an excuse to keep her out. (They have a beef with her, know?) So, without her companion allowed to go in with her, she left. Haziq didn't, however.

The actual event was rather dreadful, it was very humid and warm. And with the proverbial body odor parade literally all around me, it made it worse. The crowd was not very noisy though, and that was a good thing. But they blared terrible music throughout the times the jockeys weren't announcing anything. And since I was not in a T-shirt or whatever, I was chosen to be given the wonderful privilege of being one their janitorial executives. But the people around me were great, and they already had the incentive of clearing up the garbage around the area, all I did was to take a bag from them, namely Ben, and hand it in and throw it in the trash storage.

Anyways that's about it.


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